"Health is a Lifestyle"
Terry Hershey Park
700 Memorial Mews St Houston Tx 77079
(I10 Exit N Eldridge parkway turn on Memorial Dr)
Bootcamp Begins: TBA
Need at least 10 participants for bootcamp to begin on
on scheduled date above.
Days: Saturdays
Times: 8:30am-9:15am
Price: $80 for 6 sessions
Duration: Every Saturday for 6 weeks
Taking body meausurements is an excellent way to keep track of your changing shape as you get fit.
Full Body Meausurements includes:
*5 point meausurements
*Skin fold/body fat testing
NOTE: If you missed the first day, first week, or first half of the current bootcamp you are not too late. You can still join anytime if interested and you will only pay for the remaining sessions. Don't let the start date of a bootcamp keep you from your personal start date. If you would like to join please email us at the following email address and we will send you the price for the remaining sessions...