"Health is a Lifestyle" 

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Peggy Park Bootcamp                 

4101 Almeda Rd. Houston, Tx 77004

Bootcamp Begins: June 4th, 2013

Days: Tues, & Thurs

Times: 6:30pm-7:15pm

 Price: $80 for 8 sessions

Duration: 2 times a week for 4 weeks


To Register complete the following steps: 

1. PAY by clicking the BUY NOW button below.
Bootcamp Options

2. Sign and submit the Health Waiver Form.

3. Fill out and submit the Bootcamp Contact Form. Be sure to add Hermann Park in the Park location.

4. Don't forget to Add the Full Body Measurement package to your registration if you would like to track of your body changes. Also, check out our Nutrition Packages that we have to offer. Remember "A bad diet will always defeat a great workout program".
Full Body Measurements

Taking body meausurements is an excellent way to keep track of your changing shape as you get fit.

Full Body Meausurements includes:
*5 point meausurements
*Skin fold/ Body fat testing



Body Measurement

Note: Full body measurements are taken on the first day of bootcamp and selected dates after that.

For addtional information about the bootcamp email isaactdaniels@gmail.com


NOTE: If you missed the first day, first week, or first half of the current bootcamp you are not too late.  You can still join anytime if interested and you will only pay for the remaining sessions.  Don't let the start date of a bootcamp keep you from your personal start date.  If you would like to join please email us at the following email address and we will send you the price for the remaining sessions... 


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